About Me

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Elementary Principal, wife, mother of 4 very smart and beautiful children, and a life long learner!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Celebration of Success!

On October 31st, we had a k-6 assembly in the gym.  We came together to celebrate reading and the character trait, RESPECT!

During the assembly the students performed to a song called Gotta Keep Reading, a spin from the song Gotta Keep Believing.  The high school media class recorded our performance and I will be getting a copy of that video to post on my site so you can enjoy seeing the fun the students and teachers had making the video.

The students pictured below are the students that met their accelerated reading goal for the first quarter of school.  We are very proud of these students.  Achieving their reading goals means that they spent extra time at home and school reading and were able to complete comprehension quizzes on their books with a passing grade.  We hope that next quarter we will even have more of our students completing the AR goal.

Pictured below were the students that were recognized for having the character trait of respect!

Veteran's Day Program

We would like to invite everyone to the Cavalier Public School's Veteran's Day program on Thursday, November 10th, at 2PM in the school's gym.  Please plan to attend!